‘In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.’
Acts 2:17
This accessible and insightful resource aims to encourage us to consider how God might speak to our children – and sometimes through them to us!
As parents, we rightly take our responsibility to raise our children in the Christian faith seriously, helping them to read and understand the Bible, and to begin to engage with prayer. But how many of us are confident – or have even considered – parenting them in hearing God’s voice?
Joy Vee has extensive teaching experience and has written multiple books introducing themes of faith for children and teenagers. Together with her husband, she has also raised her son and daughter, both now in their later teens, to expect God to speak to them. When making decisions big and small, they have many testimonies of how the Lord has both provided for them in the unlikeliest ways and walked with them through challenging events as they have grown-up expecting Him to speak.
Drawing on this rich experience, these three studies are a conversation starter. They will help you to think through how God spoke to children in various ways in the Bible, and how He might still today – including to the children in your lives. Practical tasks and tips accompany each study to facilitate putting into practice the lessons learned, for both you and your children.
Do you really expect God to answer your children’s prayers and speak to them in turn? Be inspired to see God work in new ways in your family, and to help your kids discover God is very much alive today!
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