…Is undoubtedly the last supper. Eaten by Jesus and his twelve disciples in the upper room. A Passover meal, remembering the rescue of the Jews from Egypt, on the eve of the rescue of all humanity from sin. It was on this night that Jesus, having washed the feet of his disciples, gave them bread and wine; His body broken for us all, and His blood poured out for the new covenant between us and God. It is a meal echoed as a sacrament by Christians throughout history since, where we gather around the table for the eucharist, communion, mass.


And yet Maundy Thursday is a celebration often overshadowed in the run-up to Easter. Preparations for Good Friday and the bank holiday weekend, as well as it coming during the working week, can lead us to miss out on properly remembering this significant meal.


This year I’d love to encourage you to do something to mark this event. The night of the last supper. The night Jesus was betrayed and arrested. The night He knelt in the garden of Gethsemane and prayed “Not my will but yours be done”.


As we pause and reflect on this occasion, I pray it will help to prepare our hearts for remembering Good Friday, the significance of Jesus’ death on the cross, and Easter Sunday – His victory over death!

Here are some ideas:


  • Build up to Good Friday – you can join us for Morning Light Monday to Thursday this Easter (2022). There will be a 15 minute reading and prayer time on Zoom at 07:45 each morning. More details here…
  • A family reflection – Just as Jesus spent this night with those closest to Him, you could do the same. Prepare a special meal that you can enjoy together, turn your phones and devices off. You could prepare a couple of bible readings, listen to a worship song, and pray together before and after, even wash each other’s feet. For those of you with kids, this could be a great opportunity to share the story of why you are doing it, finding some interactive ways to engage them with it.
  • A meal with friends – Similarly to the above suggestion, it could be a great way to invite people over for a meal, either hosting it all yourself or sharing out catering and reflection activities between the group.
  • A special church service or reflection – This could be a great way to unite the congregation, either coming together for a meal followed by the service, or just a simple reflection. It doesn’t need to be elaborate, but should focus people on the occasion, allowing them space to reflect and pray. Some churches will organise washing of feet, others will take communion, some may include a time of worship, others will use liturgy.
  • Below you will find a delicious recipe for Lamb Barbacoa with Roast Sweet Potato and Red Cabbage Slaw that Jon Aslet has prepared that you could make for yourself!

Suggested Passages:

  • Luke 22: 7-22 – The Last Supper
  • John 13: 1-17 – Jesus Washes the Disciples’ feet
  • Matthew 26: 36-46 – The Garden of Gethsemane
  • John 13-17 – The Full Upperoom Discourse


Lamb Barbacoa Recipe


Whole lamb leg (about 1.5kg)

1 large onion

2 orange

3 bay leaves

3 cinnamon sticks

1tbsp chipotle paste

6 cloves of garlic

500ml chicken stock

2tbsp cumin powder

2tbsp coriander powder

1tsp cinnamon powder

1tbsp cider vinegar

1tbsp dark brown sugar


  1. Preheat your oven to 190oC, 375oF, gas mark 5. Using a sharp knife knife gently score the outside of the lamb then rub salt all over the lamb. Place a large saucepan on a medium high heat and add 2tbsp of oil to the pan. When the pan is hot place the lamb in the pan and brown each side of the lamb being careful not to let the lamb burn. Once the lamb is brown on all sides place to one side.
  1. To make the marinade place the chipotle paste, garlic, chicken stock, cumin powder, coriander powder, cinnamon powder, cider vinegar, juice of one orange and brown sugar into a food processor or blender. Blend till smooth.
  2. Peel and roughly slice the onion and roughly slice the remaining orange. Line the bottom of either a deep roasting pan or an oven proof pot (like a dutch oven) with the orange and onion and place the lamb on top. Add the cinnamon sticks and bay leaves then pour over the marinade.
  3. Cover the tin tightly with foil or place lid on top and place in the oven for 3-4 hours, you’ll know when it’s done when lamb is easy pull apart and is falling of the bone.
  4. Using two forks pull apart the lamb and place on a serving dish. Strain the remain juices from the roasting tin then pour over the lamb.



Roast Sweet Potato Recipe


3-4 large sweet potatoes

1 lime

1 tbsp brown sugar

1 tsp chipotle paste


  1. Peel the sweet potatoes then chop in rough chip shapes.
  2. Place the sweet potato, brown sugar, chipotle paste, juice of 1 lime, 2tbsp of veg oil and season well with salt and pepper and toss together well so the sweet potato is well coated.
  3. Place in the same oven as the lamb for 40min or until the sweet potato is soft. Once cooked place in a serving dish.


Red Cabbage Slaw Recipe


1 red cabbage

2 limes

1 large carrot

1 red onion

2 tbsp cider vinegar


  1. Peel the outer leaves of the red cabbage then quarter it and remove the core, then finely slice and place in a larger bowl.
  2. Peel and the carrot then grate into the red cabbage bowl, peel the onion and finely slice then add to the bowl.
  3. Add the juice of two limes and the cider vinegar to the bowl and season generously with salt and pepper. Serve in the bowl you mixed in and place in a new serving bowl, enjoy!