Hope 15:13 was birthed in prayer out of Pinner Baptist Church at the beginning of the first Covid-19 lockdown. Back in spring 2020, the Church and nation were facing an unprecedented crisis as the pandemic took hold, and our aim, inspired by Romans 15:13, was to help individual Christians and congregations respond well.
Throughout the pandemic, we released regular virtual community-building resources and prophetic blogs on what God seemed to be doing through the crisis. Then, as we began to come out of the final lockdown, we prioritised resources aimed at bringing people back together around food, recognising what had been lost through the lack of in-person fellowship over the course of the pandemic.
Now, as we face challenges on multiple fronts – as individuals, as a Church and as a nation – our focus is on encouraging Baptist ministers as they help their congregations navigate these difficult times. Sharing inspirational and informative articles and interviews from a wide range of leaders, we want to help them deepen discipleship and increase community engagement.
Building on this, one result of the current cost-of-living crisis is that many churches have found their resources stretched thin. So as well as sharing input from other leaders, we also want to make dynamic, original resources available for free to small groups and congregations, helping them to strengthen themselves in the Lord and in the hope He promises.
All our content is provided voluntarily by people who share our vision and our prayer is that it is a blessing to many – and if something blesses you, please do share it further!
Hope 15:13 is now an independent initiative, overseen by Instant Apostle and capitalising on their publishing expertise, with strong links to the wider Baptist community.
We would like to give humble acknowledgement to the London Baptist Association and The Baptist Union for their generous donations in support of Hope 15:13.