Prayer is extremely personal and is your direct communication with the Lord. There is no right or wrong way to pray. But for those seeking more structure or if you’re unsure where to start, Jane Everitt Radbourne presents a simple guide to help you in prayer and in structuring your time with God:



To pray is to open your heart to Jesus’ – O Hallesby

For some of Jesus teaching on prayer, read Matthew 6:5-14.

Jesus said in John 14:23, ‘If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. My Father will love him and we will come to him and make our home with him.’


PACTS prayer framework 

Meditatively use the headings below each day and let the Holy Spirit guide you through your prayers.

Choose a scripture to study, focus and meditate on during each week for your time of prayer – one idea is to use the bible reading from your Sunday church service for that week.

Prayers do not need to be long – speak from your heart as the Holy Spirit leads you. Try and be open to God meeting with you as you pray.

P: presence – to prepare for prayer, sit quietly and become aware of God’s presence. It can be helpful to slowly repeat something called the Jesus prayer, “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner”.

A: adoration – praise God – use worship songs that are about Him or read a psalm out loud. Speak out your own praise if you feel led.

C: confession – reflect on the past day and tell God about sins that come to mind.  Then know yourself to be forgiven and cleansed by the death and resurrection of Christ and the blood that was shed.

T: thanksgiving – for all that life brings both you and others.

S: supplication – intercede (ask God to help/bless/heal) for those close to you and known to you; for your local church family; for the global Church; for local, national and international institutions; for those suffering from poverty, hunger, illness, war and persecution. Share your own needs with God.


Jane trained as a lay evangelist early in her journey as a Christian and was involved in the discipleship of young women. She has been active in all areas of prayer ministry for many years and is a leader in her local church focusing mainly on prayer ministry.